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简介英文签名大写还是小写       很高兴有机会和大家一起谈论英文签名大写还是小写的话题。这个问题集合包含了一些常见和深入的问题,我将详细回答每一个问题,并分享我的见解和观点。1.英语名字全部大写2.英语名字大小写规则是什么?3.刚才印了套英文名片,英文名字











       邹乐 Zou Le


       邹乐乐 Zou Lele

       3、先生的话:Mr 加姓,姓的第一个字母大写。

       邹先生 Mr Zou


       邹女士 Mrs Zou


       邹** Miss Zou

       中国人的姓名译成英语时,用汉语拼音书写,但不加声调。它可以保持汉语的特点,即姓在前,名在后。姓和名必须分开写,并且大写姓和名的第一个字母。如: Lin Tao (林涛), Han Mei (韩梅)。

       如果名字是两个字组成的,要连在一起拼写,并大写第一个字母。如:Li Xiaowen。又如:Zhang Lihua(张立华)。如果名字部分的第二个字是以元音字母开头的时候,一般要在两个字中间加“’”。如:李丽安写成Li li’an,否则易被读成“李莲”。当姓为复姓时,与名字部分书写规则相同。如:Sima Qian(司马迁)。


       Rule 1 引用话的第一个单词开头用大写

       Capitalize the first word of a quoted sentence.


       He said, "Treat her as you would your own daughter."

       "Look out!" she screamed. "You almost ran into my child."

       Rule 2 专有名词

       Capitalize a proper noun.


       Golden Gate Bridge

       Rule 3 在人名前的称呼大写开头,但是在描述这称呼时不要大写

       Capitalize a person's title when it precedes the name. Do

        not capitalize when the title is acting as a description following the



       Chairperson Petrov

       Ms. Petrov, the chairperson of the company, will address us at noon.

       Rule 4 在签名落款行的称呼

       Capitalize the person's title when it follows the name on the address or signature line.



       Ms. Haines, Chairperson

       Rule 5 用于人名前的政府高级官员头衔,但用头衔代贴人名时不要大写

       Capitalize the titles of high-ranking government

       officials when used before their names. Do not capitalize the civil

       title if it is used instead of the name.


       The president will address Congress.

        All senators are expected to attend.

        The governors, lieutenant governors, and attorneys general called for a special task force.

        Governor Fortinbrass, Lieutenant Governor Poppins, Attorney General Dalloway, and Senators James and Twain will attend.

       Rule 6 单独用头衔称呼人时用大写

       Capitalize any title when used as a direct address.


       Will you take my temperature, Doctor?

       Rule 7 东南西北指代特定地区时大写

       Capitalize points of the compass only when they refer to specific regions.


        We have had three relatives visit from the South.

        Go south three blocks and then turn left.

        We live in the southeast section of town.

        Southeast is just an adjective here describing section, so it should not be capitalized.

       Rule 8 出版物名大写,文章标题每个单词大写(as a, an, the, but, as, if, and, or, nor 除外)

       Always capitalize the first and last words of titles of

       publications regardless of their parts of speech. Capitalize other words

        within titles, including the short verb forms Is, Are, and Be.


        Do not capitalize little words within titles such as a, an, the, but, as, if, and, or, nor, or prepositions, regardless of their length.


        The Day of the Jackal

        What Color Is Your Parachute?

        A Tale of Two Cities

       Rule 9 政府机构名大写。

       Capitalize federal or state when used

       as part of an official agency name or in government documents where

       these terms represent an official name. If they are being used as

       general terms, you may use lowercase letters.


        The state has evidence to the contrary.

        That is a federal offense.

        The State Board of Equalization collects sales taxes.

        We will visit three states during our summer vacation.

        The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been subject to much scrutiny and criticism lately.

        Her business must comply with all county, state, and federal laws.

       Rule 10 政府的机构如局、部、办公室等大写

       You may capitalize words such as department, bureau, and office if you have prepared your text in the following way:


        The Bureau of Land Management (Bureau) has some

       jurisdiction over Indian lands. The Bureau is finding its administrative

        role to be challenging.

       Rule 11 季节名不大写

       Do not capitalize names of seasons.


        I love autumn colors and spring flowers.

       Rule 12 写信时称呼、致敬、问候的第一个单词开头大写

       Capitalize the first word of a salutation and the first word of a complimentary close.


        Dear Ms. Mohamed:

        My dear Mr. Sanchez:

        Very truly yours,

       Rule 13 专有名词的衍生词大写

       Capitalize words derived from proper nouns.


        I must take English and math.

       English is capitalized because it comes from the proper noun England, but math does not come from Mathland.

       Rule 14 课程名大写

       Capitalize the names of specific course titles.


        I must take history and Algebra 2.

       Rule 15 冒号后面列表不大写

       After a sentence ending with a colon, do not capitalize the first word if it begins a list.


        These are my favorite foods: chocolate cake, spaghetti, and artichokes.

       Rule 16 冒号后面接单个句子不大写

       Do not capitalize when only one sentence follows a sentence ending with a colon.


       I love Jane Smiley's writing: her book, A Thousand Acres, was beautiful.

       Rule 17 冒号后面接两个或多个句子大写

       Capitalize when two or more sentences follow a sentence ending with a colon.


        I love Jane Smiley's writing: Her book, A Thousand Acres, was beautiful. Also, Moo was clever.


       英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名+姓。如 William·Jefferson·Clinton。但在很多场合中间名往往略去不写,如 George·Bush,而且许多人更喜欢用昵称取代正式教名,如 Bill·Clinton。



       如:She is my sister.



       如:Ms. Wang is Prof. Zhao’s sister.



       如:I've lost my ID card.



       如:I know Jack lives in Shanghai, China.



       如:Thank you, Mum.



       如:I have an Australian friend who can speak Chinese perfectly.



       如:Today is the fourth Thursday of November.



       如:The Spring Festival is the most important holidays in China.





       2、不要为了追求“一鸣惊人”而去找一些生冷的词汇,对这些一知半解的词你不会用,不知道如何搭配,结果可能适得其反,使文章显得生硬、不协调,甚至错误百出,所以要使用有把握的词,避免不必要的失分。比如说发生了一起意外事件,我们通常用“have an accident ”来表示,不要错误地使用“have an incident”。






       Wang Moumou

       Wang Mou Mou

       Wang Mou-mou


       WANG Moumou

       WANG Mou Mou

       MouMou Wang

       MouMou WANG





       另外建议一下,些名字时尽量突出姓氏。因为国际间交流无论东西方,比较礼貌的交流是彼此称呼姓氏。所以,最好的形式可以是“WANG MouMou”或“ MouMou WANG”这种形式,姓氏采取全大写,很突出。而名字采取首字母大写,而且两个音节首字母均大写,如此保证了拼读音节清晰无误。当然这只是照顾拼读。而并不影响名字的合法性...

       另外有些名字如果品写成字母容易出现混频,比如“张旭安”写成“Zhang Xuan”就容易出现麻烦。因此就应该以符号或首字母大写的形式加以分割,保证品读音节清晰。如“ZHANG XU'AN”或“ZHANG XU-AN”或“ZHANG XuAn”都可以...



       1.名字的首字母要大写。例如:John Smith。

       2.名字的中间字母也要大写。例如:John O'Smith。

       3.名字的最后一个字母通常小写,除非它是在一个姓氏中,此时也要大写。例如:John O'Smith,Jane Smith。

       4.如果名字中有两个或更多的单词,则每个单词的首字母都要大写。例如:Alice Alice Smith。




       英语名字的正确格式:名(First name)+姓(Last name)。只大写名字的第一个字母,名和姓之间要空开。如:William Clinton、John Smith.英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名+姓。如William.Jefferson.Clinton。但在许多场所中间名通常省去不写,如:George-Bush。


       在正式场合,通常要求使用全名或姓氏,而在非正式场合,通常使用名字或昵称。在英语国家,姓氏通常在名字的后面,例如:John Smith,而在一些其他语言中,姓氏通常在名字的前面,例如:Smith John。在不知道姓氏的情况下,可以只使用名字。

